Thursday, January 10, 2008


Hey everybody--sorry it's been a while--I'm actually back to work now :o) That's good--it helps pay the bills!!

I had a dr. apt last Tuesday and basically he just went over the report of what the specialist had said, but one thing I had misunderstood from the specialist was that if we lost her, I would miscarry. But the Dr. said since I'm so far along I probably won't miscarry, but that she would die and then they would induce me and would try to avoid doing a c-section. I think that's worse than just miscarrying. Oh well, everything in God's timing and way I guess. He also said there was not much point in doing any more ultrasounds since they're assuming she's not going to get better. But in the event that she's still alive in April, I want an ultrasound b/c if things have changed and she has problems that are fixable, I want to deliver in a place that can do them and hopefully at a reduced cost. He also said that the condition she's in not, nothing can be done for her, so if she is born (with the problems she has now) all they will pretty much do is "comfort care". Keep her warm and feed until she goes home to be with the Lord. I don't know what would be harder--losing her before meeting her or after a day or two of having her. Guess it's not my job to worry--God will do what He deems best.

However, maybe it's my false sense of "mommy to be" hope, but I think the prayers are working!! When I first felt Ady move, it was very very slight and not much pressure, but last Thursday all of a sudden the girl's taken kickboxing lessons b/c she's been kicking hard!! The amount of strength that she gained in less than a week is amazing!! So, keep praying--maybe we'll get our miracle yet!!

Pray also that Josh will get a lot of hours and be able to go full time in a few months. This week he hasn't worked much.

Well, that's it for now I think, I'll talk to you all later,


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