Monday, January 28, 2008


Hi everybody.

This isn't going to be real long--I don't have the energy today. But there is good news and bad news. Good news is that as of 9:24 PM on Friday Josh and I became parents, the bad news is Someone else is going to be raising her. I guess that has good news in it too. Because that "Someone" is God and He is a perfect parent--He won't let any pain, disappointment or tears come into her life. She is now a happy, perfectly healthy, beautiful child. I don't know, will she still be an infant in Heaven? or will she be 5 years old or grown? I don't know. Guess I'll have to wait and see. But I was talking to Meg yesterday (she had a miscarriage this fall)and reminded me that now little Charlotte has a friend to play with!!

We're going this morning to sign papers for our little Ady to be cremated. I'm not really looking forward to it. That's just something parents shouldn't have to go through. We'll have a memorial service for her at our church sometime after we get back from CO. We haven't got anything other than that planned. We'll keep you posted. That's it for now--at some point I'll probably write about getting to hold her but I"m not ready for that yet.

I probably won't get on till after we get back from snowy Colorado, but thank you all for your comments, support and prayers. We definitely appreciate them all.

Here is one of the poems that I put in her scrapbook.

Your little body may die,
But your spirit will live on
And has already flown to
Our Saviour’s arms.
We shall see your face
And hold your hand.
For all is not lost,
You are in our Lord’s hands



Debbie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Please know I will pray for you and your husband. Your trust in His ability to raise your little one is a blessing-

Heather said...

(((((Sarah)))))) I am praying for you. You have a wonderful way of handling this...your Father, parenting your little Ady one on ONE...that is just beautiful.

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

I'm new to your blog, but came to visit after hearing the prayer request by Ashliegh. I am so sorry for your loss and will certainly lift you and your husband up to our Father for peace, strength and rest. God Bless, Diane

Stephanie said...

I know that you don't know me, but I just found your blog after reading a prayer request on someone else's blog. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for you and your husband. You are in my prayers today. I think this just struck a chord with me b/c my mother has faced three miscarriages...
May God be with you and comfort you at this time.


Pastor Coon said...

In my Father's house are many those mansions are many children! These are the children that never need a band-aid or a booboo kissed. They are never rejected or teased. I am praying for your loss and excited for your child's gain! So many parents (saved and unsaved)struggle with knowing what has become of their baby, but if you look at this tragic event another are guaranteed a child in Heaven. It may seem odd to say but your saddness should be balanced with the joy of this knowledge that your baby is in Heaven waiting for you! The world will tell you it is ok to blame, to mourn, to be angry and maybe so but as long as you have this 'blessed hope' why? Why blame? Why slide into a selfish state of depression or mourning? Why be angry? If we have been 'adopted by God' someday will we be reunited and there are no guarantees this strong found anywhere else!

God bless you and we will pray God provides the strength and comfort. Just continue to give Him all the glory and praise!

Rebekah said...

May the Lord keep you and comfort you during this time. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now, and I have no words of great comfort to offer, just that I know He will place His loving arms around you and cradle you right now.

Tiffany said...

Josh and Sarah,
Frank and I are praying for strength and comfort for you and your family at this time.